

My current tenants decided to not renew their lease.

I've been going through various options to get rid of or re-lease the condo.

All of the craigslist people who said they were interested and wanted to fill out an application balked as soon as I asked for 1-2 references (wtf? thats normal).

I talked to a couple of the sell quick type places, but they won't even give me what I paid for it 5 years ago.

I don't want to deal with realtors again who do jack shit and then say its your fault even when its the lowest price on the market.

I'm.... annoyed, confused, and wanting to be done with this goddamned "investment".


Religion in the News Lately

China has banned reincarnation (yes, its all dealing with Tibet) without state permission.

New York Times has a magazine article on how current world leaders sound more like leaders during the reformation than the age of reason (paraphrased).

I wonder how the first could possibly be enforce.

The second... does this mean we're going backwards in time, philosophically?


Gaming Systems

Well, I broke down.

I bought a Wii. I had to get a bundle because I refused to get to Target at 8am to wait in line for one, nor did I want to pay the eBay scalpers. But, the bundle consisted of 2 games I actually want.

This is my first time ever buying a gaming console. I've only played PC games before. And, some of my gaming tendencies are extremely unhealthy (MMORPGS are permanently banned). But the Wii is different. For one thing, DH is obsessed with the Wii Sports tennis game. When I was reffing Cherry Blossom, he spent all day at our friend's house playing tennis on the Wii. Jumping, lunging, swinging. After that weekend, he came back home and started looking into places he could play tennis again.

The two games I got in the bundle were WarioWare Smooth Moves (a whole bunch of 5-10 second games) and Zelda. Other games I can easily see DH and I purchasing are golf / tennis / baseball type games. Possibly Madden 08 as the last one I have is 04, and it doesn't run anymore.

That and there's games where you actually SWING THE SWORD *BIG GRIN*. Now, its not real fencing, and I know that. But I gotta figure I have at least a few of the basics for those games. Heck, maybe someday there will be a game where people who know how to fence have a huge advantage in the sword games over those who don't. I can dream, can't I?

Anyways, the console is supposed to be delivered to work this afternoon. DH can barely wait.