

While I am creating my own coaching program (with a couple of others, who also are experienced fencers) for coaching myself, I was given an interesting opportunity on Friday.

The Catholic high school near me needs a new fencing coach. I explained that I am not a coach. I was informed that neither was their old coach.

But how much of a time commitment is coaching high school? And do I even think I might have that much time? I mean, I could probably help out 1-2 days a week. But I still have everything else in my life. I don't want to stop my own fencing (yet/again). I have to mull this over, because it'd be nice to be paid for fencing stuff too.


THX environment

I went out and bought the original Star Wars trilogy. As I was looking through the DVD for the various extra features, I noticed that it had a THX optimizer.


So, I went through and made all the picture adjustments to make my environment THX optimized. Wow, what a difference. Things look so much better.

So, yes, I did just watch Luke blow up the Death Star on the big screen... it was nice :)