
A Week ofUps and Downs.

Well, there are good weeks and bad weeks. I guess overall the week rates as neutral.

My new bike is a Sequoia Elite. Its a lot faster than my old bike. Its a big upgrade from my old hybrid. I've outfitted it with a rack, and I'm still deciding on a bag. Since commuting by metro costs $4 a day, by the end of summer I will have saved in commuting most of the cost of the bike. Unless it rains a lot.

I got the top grade in my strategy class for the paper I wrote. Strategy is my weakest class, even if this is IT strategy.

I had a fantastic dinner Saturday night. DF and I went out to a brewpub near his work. I had Moroccan Chicken on a bed of couscous. Very good spices. And good beer.

Dogfish Head Aprihop. Very good seasonal beer.

The bad:
I lost my keys. It costs $200 per key to get my car keys replaced. It also forces me to get a new bike lock, since I now don't have the key to my BIC-able Kryptonite. I also lost the key to the storage room. Everything else I have a copy of.

Power struggle at work. I am trying to assert some level of consistency in the QA process, and getting very strong push back from everyone else.

I either have bad allergies (which I haven't had before) or a really annoying cold. Runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes. Claritin didn't help. I took the day off today and slept all afternoon.

I lost my replacement checks... then I found them 4 days later. After the check I needed to send in was late. I am undertaking a complete cleaning of my bedroom.... it needs it badly. I can't find anything.


At 4/28/2005 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay for new toys! yay for Moroccan chicken and yummy beer! yay for good grades!

sorry to hear about the lost things. :(


At 4/28/2005 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and very sorry to hear about you feeling under the weather... :(

At 4/28/2005 10:49 AM, Blogger t said...

This allergy/cold thing will pass. The only thing really lost is my money for the new keys... otherwise, c'est la vie.

And I gotta fix that link... :)


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