
Liberal Media

I've been reading the NY Times for most of my life. In the past month, it seems to have suddenly become conservative. Not that any "conservative" outlet would ever broadcast itself as such. Until a media outlet is to the right of fascism, its not "conservative". The changes in the Op-Ed page have made it only have 2 liberal voices, or 25%. There are four conservative voices, and four "moderates". Plus, the conservative voices write more columns than the liberals. Its official opinions are still somewhat left-leaning, but, seem to be moving to the right as well.

The Washington Post, which I have read for ~7 years has always been pretty middle-of-the road, by which I mean about even left and right, has stayed about the same. However, its official opinions are definitely right of center.

Meanwhile, conservative papers such as the Wall Street Journal, never have a single moderate opinion, much less a liberal one.

Yet, liberals are not an insignificant portion of the US. Moderates are 50% of the population, according to most surveys, and liberals are 25%. That means that the number of liberal papers should equal the number of conservative papers, and moderate papers should equal the conjunction of the two. However, I only know of one "liberal" paper that is a daily: the NY Times. And even that paper is going conservative.

I still don't understand what's with the bashing of liberal values. They are values that created modern countries. They believe in just legal system which allows each person to be treated equally, regardless of wealth, education, ethnicity, or any other discriminating characteristic. They believe in creating a base standard for each person, regardless of discriminating factors, for health care, food, and education. They believe everyone can achieve the top levels of society, if they are given an equal start. Its foundation is equal treatment, equal opportunity. They believe that institutions which are accountable to taxpayers are more likely to give equal opportunities than those only responsible to a small board of the very wealthy.

Conservatives, in contrast, what to keep the old ways. It is the definition of conservatism. Conservatives think that the U.S. gives enough opportunities as it is. They believe that corporations treat people fairly all the time. They believe that curtailing freedoms is essential when it conflicts with the old ways of doing things: birth control, gay rights, religion, protection of the environment.

Many people I know who are conservatives have the mistaken belief that conservatives are only for lower taxes and smaller government. The actions of the current conservative government should show that at least the latter is false. They oppress people who disagree with them: Moslems, seculars, gays, educators, public health advocates.

Yet, its the liberals who are forced to defend their positions and why they aren't anti-American. Something here is wrong.


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