
Follow the Money..... Again.

Why this is an opinion piece, I do not know. It is mostly investigative journalism. Good investigative journalism.

Between this stuff, the K-street methodologies, the economy that's increasingly unstable... I'm beginning to fear for the future of the US. Although, given what usually happens to the ruling party when the economy tanks, that's somewhat good news for the Democrats.


Another Busy Weekend

I made more progress on wedding planning. Hopefully I'll get my laptop back this week so I can finish up the intivation list (and hopefully without them having erased/formatted/replaced/demagnetized my hard drive). I finally found a seamstress for the gown. DF & I picked out the invitation pattern. We started work on some of the information dissemation stuff (a.k.a. theknot website... not ready for public viewing yet).

A few people went out to the Brick after work Friday. Fun, a bit laid back. Talked with a few friends I hadn't seen in a while. Saw one coworker make a complete fool of himself, and it reminded me of how much more mature DF is than most of the guys his age. There was a poll at his work about how old he was, and it came in as an average of 6 years older than he is. Which is fine by me. I don't want to marry a guy who's idea of fun is downing shot after shot in the bar.

A friend had a low key bbq on Saturday afternoon, after which DF & I watched Control Room. DF thought it merely reinforced his views on media, I thought it had some unique points. It really does show a different side of the war, and it shows things that are never shown on US television. Or, if they were, I missed them.

Sunday went for a bike ride which for some reason left me completely wiped and dehydrated - despite drinking plenty of water, going a shorter distance, etc. Came back and rested for a bit. Then I had to run some errands, which took me by the Torpedo Factory Art Center. First time I'd actually gone in the gallery. Amazing pieces of art there. I could even see myself buying some. I had this weird vision of me in a house with this fantastic artwork and pottery and stuff.... and then I had to return to my condo with my crappy furniture that the cat has scratched to hell.

I wound up the weekend rewatching Shrek 2. The transformation of the cat into the pathetic little creature attempting to get and then back into a normal cat as soon as its desires are met.... so well done. Makes me crack up whenever I see it.


A strange 3 days

I don't know why this happens, but it only happens in bursts it seems.

On Thursday I made a small presentation to my bosses (I have two). It dealt with our current, woefully inadequate testing and documentation; the causes of said inadequacies; and a several different plans for how to best redress the problem. We discussed the situation for about two hours and formulated a plan of approach. By the end of the day I had a complete working model for the plan. It had one complete path through the testing/documentation system written with enough detail to be practically a final draft. Major bonus points in the workplace.

Then, Saturday I was at a farewell barbecue for my cousin's husband - being deployed to Kuwait for a year tour. I knew a few people there. Four family members (cousin, her husband, their son, and her father), and a couple of their friends. However, that was about 8 or so of the 50 or so people there.

I went to their house from doing wedding planning, so I wasn't dressed in anything particularly nice: a polo shirt, jeans, running shoes. No makeup. Minimal jewelry. Yet, several people said that I look like a model. Others said that I was beautiful. I mean, this kind of thing basically never happens to me. I mean, I think I'm OK looking, and that I generally look OK enough to forego makeup, but model-like? The only other time I've heard that was at my brother's wedding when I'd just had a major makeover, my hair done, etc.

So, I mingled through the crowd, which for some reason worked much better for me than it almost ever does. I'm not usually a good mingler, particularly when I do not know anyone. But, I was able to strike up conversations with complete strangers on a wide variety of topics. Even on "controversial" topics, like politics, religion, etc, I was able to speak with aplomb, present my views, yet manage to not put them in ways which antagonized those of divergent views (and c'mon, this was a military party... not my usual scene).

At another point, where I was presenting some of my views on politics, several people said that I was so eloquent, and such a unique take on many of the problems that I should write a book on the topics. I know I have an unusual take, since very few people are anywhere near as left-leaning as I am, but, that was quite a compliment. And yes, I was presenting the topics from the point of view of the left, and could in no way be mistaken for a centrist or right wing position.

Today, as I did a 30 miler on my bike, I had the strange effect that most of the guys I passed turned their head to watch as I went by. Again, I was not wearing anything special: padded bike shorts, dry-wick T-shirt, and my new sunglasses (in dark tortoise, with polarized sandstone lenses). I went into a bike store on the way back to pick up some small supplies. The guys working in the shop were practically falling over themselves to help me, and I was only buying a chain cleanser.

WTF is up? This kind of thing never happens to me. In the classes I just finished, when I had something to contribute, I would be practically stuttering. I would couch my views in all sorts of caveats and usually wind up making little sense at all. I was never saying what I intended to say. Suddenly I'm eloquent? And I almost never notice guys noticing me. I usually feel somewhat like an ugly duckling, whom people tolerate as long as I don't get in the way. But, right now I feel just as comfortable in my skin as I always have, but people of both genders are complimenting me. It is so bizarre.

But I think I can get used to being eloquent, intelligent, and beautiful. As long as I don't have to change who I am.


New search tool

This seems to work reasonably well. I only did a couple of quick searches, but, its neat. Yahoo's new search (beta) has you decide how much you are looking for research, and how much you are looking for products to buy.

The quick ones I ran through were 'mp3 player' and 'DSL'. Seemed OK, but not perfect. Definitely worth checking out every once in a while to see what it's like.