
A mini update

We have arrived in Europe. My internal clock is completely messed up. I could not sleep on the plane... steerage is definately the appropriate term for that class, not 'Economy'. So, instead I watched the movies being shown: Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Bewitched, and most of EdTV.

We got in at 6:45am local time. At that point I'd slept about 9 hours in the past 72, so I was completely exhausted. We got to our hotel and luckily, our room was ready. Now, we asked for a double. And I guess it could be called a double.... there's two twin beds in the room side by side. We can't figure out why its not a double bed. It took us about 40 minutes to figure out how to turn the lights on. And shortly thereafter, we collapsed and got some much needed sleep.

After about 5 hours of sleep, we woke up and decided to walk around the downtown area. The famous Mannequin Pis is under construction / rehabilitation so we only got to glimpse it through the curtain. We got lost several times. And the words here are so interesting. There are street which if translated into english are 'Street of House Street' and not just one, but dozens. Because the formal language is French - everyone greets in French etc - but the everyday language is Flemish/Dutch. And you get these bizarre words. On a sign that I would take to read [not sure that I'm reading it right]: no right turns except bicycles, it has a right arrow with the line through it, the word EXCEPT, then a picture of a bicycle, and the word 'uinge.....' (can't remember the rest right now). It has me most confused.

We went out for a nice French style dinner. Good food. Good wine. When we got back to the hotel, I was still tired from travelling and fell asleep watching Lost (in English, Dutch/Flemish subtitles). I woke up about 3 hours later, then dozed for a bit, and now I'm awake. At 2 in the morning. DF, er, DH, just went to sleep as I was waking up. So, now its 2am and I'm awake, having slept about 10 hours today total.

At least we have internet in the hotel room. It makes a lot of things much easier. Although its not cheap - 10 Euros ($13) per day.


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