
And I thought DCFC was expensive.

The closest club is RIFAC. $60/month for 3 nights of club bouting a week (max, as that's all its open). Plus $25 (or $30 if not a member) per 20 minute lesson.

Wow. For what I was paying $150/ mo + annual fee ($400 ish) I would be paying $200 + $720.

methinks lessons are definitely out.


A Resolution of Sorts

More has been unpacked. Not substantially more, but, enough for now: a few pieces of furniture, part of a computer (I haven't found the computer cables yet). Plus the second bedroom is clear enough that I can get in and get / unpack other things as I need them.

Things are still more of a mess than I would like (yes, messy as I am, I like there to be order underneath the mess and right now that's not there).

At least the bicycles are no longer front and center in the living room.


I guess I'm unpacked

DH decided that we were not going to set up any of my furniture.

So, the second bedroom is one big storage area. And I have no place to put 90% of my stuff. So its staying in boxes.

I unpacked the clothes I could find. and one bookshelf that I could move on my own. And some books that go with it. But no computers besides my laptop. No work books.

His reason? "I was here first"

This will be revisited as right now I'm so mad I can barely see straight.


Where Did All This Stuff Come From?

I'm starting to unpack.

2 of the 3 closets are just about full, and I have a lot of clothes left. We are running out of lots of other types of space & discovering that we sometimes now have 4-5 of things we really only need 1, maybe 2 of. Like skillets. We have 5 skillets. I don't know *why* we have 5 skillets.

We also have 2.5 sets of silverware, 3 sets of dishes, more mugs and coffee cups (yes, there is a difference) than we know what to do with. 2 whole large cabinets full of glasses and we still haven't unpacked mine.

There are 50 boxes of stuff. Plus one largeish bedroom full of other things - the large items which didn't fit into the boxes. Furniture and the like. Except for my coffee table which has my TV sitting on it. That's between Chris' TV and Chris' coffee table:

TV + cable
coffee table + TV
coffee table

I'm sure you see the problem there.

And we still have the bikes in the living room.

So much to do with all this. I hope it gets done soon.


Argh email...

Now I have corporate email. But I cannot email a yahoo or gmail account from my corporate email.


First day at new job

I have a computer.

I do not have email. All external emails I use are blocked (yahoo, gmail, etc) and internal I am still waiting on (ETD 3 hours). Although I can see if I have new gmail, I just can't read it (thanks google.com).

I do have access to blogs (blogger.com, livejournal.com, etc). I have access to discussion boards. I have access to chat programs within those discussion boards.

I have a phone whose number I do not know.

This will be an interesting week.


Move is half done

I finished the drive to Rhode Island. It took me 6.5 hours. That included a much later than anticipated start. The movers had problems they did not expect, pushing that back 1.5 hours, and then I had to do my exit interview for my company on Thurday instead of Wednesday because my car broke down on Wednesday. Car still needs some work but everything was OK enough for the drive. I probably need new spark plugs, but cleaning them got them to work well enough.

On the way up, I hit traffic in MD as there was a horrible accident. It *looked* like a semi tipped over in the wind, half crushing a sedan's front end, which was then smashed into by an SUV. I-95 north was basically closed. Then I hit rush hour in New Jersey and New York and Connecticut. I had hoped to only hit it in Connecticut.

For some strange reason, the Merritt was the slowest leg of my trip. Usually its the fastest.

And, can I just say that RI drivers are strange? I mean, empty highway. I am going 75 (10 over). There is a minimum speed of 55. If any of the cars I passed were going above 40 I would be completely shocked.

Friday, we drove to Logan and then flew to Denver. A week of skiing in Vail. I'm spending today as a recovery/acclimation day. I've had a massage and read a book (one of Baldacci's - Hour Game, not bad, not good). I'm currently websurfing as I seem to have internet (yay). I will buy my snow pants and hand and foot warmers for tomorrow later.

Driving up from Denver was OK. Aside from DH being scared as all hell because we were in the clouds and it was snowing. Yeah, well, the vehicle was completely in control, everyone around us was in control, we were going 30 MPH. He was making me nervous even though I could feel how the car was responding (ok SUV - Ford Escape). But, we had no problems at all.


Funny Video

I ran across this video. Hilarious. Its safe for work, but definitely needs sound.

Tripod perform at a Comedy Festival - Google Video