
Money, money

I have a good job. I got a nice raise. I'm still broke.

I don't spend money on clothes. I haven't in ages. I can't afford it. I have bought a total of 4 articles of clothing in the past year: one light sweater, one shirt, and two tank tops. A lot of the clothes I have, particularly for winter, are hand-me-downs. I looked at my sweaters the other day. I can't wear them in public anymore, they're so shabby. I have one sweater-vest thats OK, and a second that needs only minor repairs. I have some other clothes which are decent but need dry cleaning, and I cant afford that. I did buy a new cell phone, but with rebates, it was only $150.

Current debt on credit cards: $5300. Mostly due to tuition. Note: I am currently not paying any interest on the credit cards. That ends in February.

My income for the next four months, less tuition and mortgage payments: $180 per month. That is what I have to pay for everything else: food, transportation... Christmas presents... I had more as an undergrad. Like $300 a month and I had food paid for. I think that if that were the permanent state I could qualify for food stamps. At least I get to stop paying tuition in May.

I wonder how tough it would be to bike to work in DC in January.


At 12/16/2004 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sooooo feel your pain!!!


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