
How to do a job hunt...

...when you live 400+ miles away. And you don't have a sense of where places are. You see job listings for the 'greater region', but have no idea whether that means the place is going to be a short 20 minute drive, or a long 2 hour drive.

I got my first semi-bite, and, while it could be a great experience, I looked where it is on the map. Its not mass-transit-able. Theoretically I could take the train all the way to Boston then switch to another commuter rail and take that back out. On the other hand, it'd be working for a start up again, this time as a much more senior person (CTO type). Of course, with it being a start up, I have my list of 1,000,001 questions that need to be answered to my satisfaction. Things like funding. Business plan. Growth rate. etc.

I applied to a number of other jobs, and, I'm really thinking about going to a recruiter. The type of work I want to do is specialized, but, it can exist anywhere. Which is why the online search engines don't help me very much. I can usually only pick a few areas to search in. Or everything. And not the dozen or two that would reflect what I'm looking for.

Or I could start my own company. Again.....

I'm giving the job search about 2 months from down here, and then I'll move up so that I can actually be with DH.


At 10/31/2005 8:04 PM, Blogger MAW said...

I LOVE job hunting long distance....Not!

Been there, done that, hated it....

Side note, several of the advice columns that I've read suggest that (as soon as practical) start putting a local-to-there address on your resumes and cover letters.

At 11/01/2005 9:20 AM, Blogger MAW said...

well, I just figured that enough people had blogger accounts now that it would be helpful to have an account.

I dabbled a little with the blogger, but decided that I'm still keeping LJ as my main home online...I like that I can filter postings for public, friends-only, private, and filtered friends lists....and it tends to publish new postings more quickly.

I know that there are some things that are more customizable here, but it's not been things that were as important to me....

At 11/01/2005 11:05 AM, Blogger t said...

I like blogger a bit more not so much for its customizability, but, for some other parts that I post on. And its google. I like google's products.


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