
A Little Confession

I hate to work out.

It seems so... pointless. I mean, yes, you "get into better shape" and improve your overall fitness. But I just can't get into it.

I *LOVE* to train.

When there's a goal - prepare for a tournament, a meet, a game, I'm all for it. I need to improve something or many somethings to a certain level by then. I can set a goal and a training schedule and improve my condition, my fitness, my strength.

I *LOVE* being active.

Going for a bike ride, for a long walk, hiking, rafting, skating, skiing, and so forth, is a great way to spend time. But that's just being active. Its not "working out".

I hate going to the gym and trying to figure out what activities I should do to "get stronger" generally speaking. Aerobics seems to be pointless. I've tried it a couple of times. As far as I can tell, its doing complicated choreographed steps that use some muscles. I'd rather do 8 count pushups interspersed with running lines. I can lift weights, but, that seems so minimal when there's no reason/goal for it. I can run on the treadmill - ok, I can't run on the treadmill, I fall off. I can't use exercise bikes because I rarely get to the point of aerobic exercise with them.

I need to work out, but I hate it. I need something competitive to motivate me.


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