
Stranger in an Empty Land

I just returned from the scouting trip to Rhode Island.

When I last lived in NE, I was in college. So, the fact that there wasn't much going on beyond the college didn't bother me - I was part of the college.

Now, outside of the college(s), there isn't anything to do, really, besides go to the mall (nice mall, has lots of shops, movie theatre, etc). We were bored with the "city" after 5 hours, and decided to go to Boston. When we went through various towns that seemed like reasonable compromises between where I'll likely get a job and where DH is working, we were very underwhelmed. As in, there were a total of 10 stores, including gas stations, in those towns. With the one exception of a neighborhood under revitalization... we didn't realize it at first but discovered that the reason for the revitalization was that the maximum security prison was just across the highway from it.


I do have pictures of DH in a Sox cap though.


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