
Work Life

As I sit, on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon, working at my laptop inside my house, I am reflecting on the absurdity of work. At least at the huge congolerate level.

Finance is a guess. We have no idea how much money we actually "made". Or spent. We report something up to corporate, but that is just a as good a guess as guessing who's going to win the Superbowl next year. Not completely random, but, not necessarily based on logic either.

I spend my days managing a project I get minimal credit for. Why? I have a co-project lead. Co-project lead is a little more visible than I, so, that person gets the credit. I spend the rest of my time basically collecting the gossip on the next level up. I do this so that others have a reason to contact me, and thus raise my visibility. I have a second project, but that is lower visibility because it only impacts a few people. But the whole thing is to be VISIBLE.

This is very difficult from a remote location. Also because I try to think first and talk second. So I seem to be very quiet. I can be quiet. I can also be very talkative. It just depends.

But, for today, due to my co-lead deciding to take off yesterday afternoon so we couldn't work together on a few lists, I have to spend all Saturday and most of Sunday doing work so its ready for the functional people on Monday. That sucks.


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