
Rethinking Science Education

Now that the whole ID insanity has passed, I think we, as a nation, should rethink how science is taught in high schools. And possibly even earlier. Part of the problem is that many people are not taught what science really is. They're given a lot of facts and equations to memorize and that's that.

I agree with one part of the IDers mantra: teach the controversy. I think we should teach real science controversy though, and not conflate science with fake science.

So, on that note, here is an idea which has somewhat approachable controversies in REAL SCIENCE. As in, a large chunk of scientists believe both sides. Its falsifiable. Its testable. Its peer-reviewed by lots of articles and scientists. I need to check with the scientists I know about other theories in other disciplines.

Newtonian Theory of Gravity vs String Theory

As an aside, how is it that I grew up in a biologist's house, became a chem major (although briefly), married to a biochemist and I'm more acquainted with the issues involving theoretical physics than either of the others?


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