
NYT Editorial is Stupid

Now Listen Up - New York Times

I guess they would prefer it if people didn't take cover during tornados. Or didn't evacuate after nuclear disasters. Or were called (in small towns) to put out a fire.

But no, the government WARNING us about a disaster is a bad idea.

What is the editorial board smoking?

TV Roommates

I was watching Grey's Anatomy tonight and found them using a scene that just struck me as off.

They've used a similar scene before. Its where George is lying in (usually on) a bed and Izzie and Meredith are on each side of him. But usually its more along the lines of each one of them just griping about the stuff in their personal lives, and then they get up.

Tonight, he was in bed, and Izzie and Meredith were in the bed with him (this is probably a queen, but not a king... doesn't look that large). Not sexual or anything, although that would make more sense to me, even if not from a character perspective. Then Meredith turns out the light. So, they are all sleeping in the same bed. In a huge victorian house where they all have their own bedrooms.

I mean, personally, I need space when I sleep. At least some. The one time I was cramming into a hotel room and sleeping 3 people to a bed I couldn't sleep. There wasn't any elbow room, so to speak. Turn one direction, and you bump into someone. Turn the other, and you bump into someone. Ugh.

But maybe that's just me.



I hate the USPS.

I told them to forward my mail starting Feb 8th. They started it yesterday. Frigging imbeciles. I have a job offer letter coming AND NOW I CANNOT RECEIVE IT.

Excuse me while I scream.

Not to mention that my dryer was not just a broken heating element, but so brokent that I have to have it completely replaced. More money gone.


And GE is so friggin slow sending out the offer letter. I mean, they told me last Wednesday that it was being sent out, and then I find out that it didn't go out until yesterday? WTFH?



101 Dumbest Moments in Business

Fun list

Business 2.0: 2005's 101 Dumbest Moments in Business - February 1, 2006



Love the headline: "A great place to be a snack vendor"
Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.com


Refereeing in NE Div

So, I started asking around for who I should get in contact with for refereeing local events in NE.

Here's the response:
Jon Moss
David Blake
Sharon Everson (for collegiate stuff, I know she's NJ)
Paul Levy (for collegiate stuff, I know he's Philly)
Jane Carter
Linda Merrit
Syd Fadner

So, 2 people who have run FOC at NACs, frequently in charge...

Should improve my visibility anyways... good or bad.


22 days to go

I have 17 days left in my current job. I have drawn up a list of things I need to do. 22 days before the move.

I just want things to be done.



I cannot believe how bored I am at work.

I have read every article on NYTimes and WashPost.
I have read every new post on at least 8 message boards.

I have like 4 tasks to do at work that I am prevented to do by non-functioning systems (will take 5 minutes max to fix, but SAs have no time).

I'm just bored.


How does this work?

U.S. Ski Team Is Losing Patience With Miller - New York Times

The part I wonder about is this:
"Miller would still be allowed to compete in World Cup and Olympic races if he were independent of the team, but would not have the support - logistical and otherwise - that comes with being part of the United States squad."

How do you qualify for the Olympics if you are independed of the US Team? Would that be like in fencing qualifying as an individual for being in the top X in the world?


Internet Deprivation

I can't believe it. Work has taken away the internet. Completely. I can get to a few site through X-forwarding Firefox through the firewall, but that is extremely slow. Every external site is blocked: .gov, .com, .net, .org etc. Do they realize that that is my reference for the vast majority of my job?


At least my interviews seem to be going well. I am booking a moving company, so there's a firm date which will be my last day in the DC area. I will be back and forth over a month or two while I finish up selling my place, but, living in New England here I come.


Why guns are stupid

News Story