
How does this work?

U.S. Ski Team Is Losing Patience With Miller - New York Times

The part I wonder about is this:
"Miller would still be allowed to compete in World Cup and Olympic races if he were independent of the team, but would not have the support - logistical and otherwise - that comes with being part of the United States squad."

How do you qualify for the Olympics if you are independed of the US Team? Would that be like in fencing qualifying as an individual for being in the top X in the world?


At 1/10/2006 8:24 PM, Blogger MAW said...

Probably. And at this point, he has (i'm guessing) the financial wherewithal (due to endorsements) and he certainly has the results....

While I don't condone his comments, I don't know that it's worth USSA getting all hot and bothered about it, esp. with Turin/Torino in a month.

At 1/10/2006 9:12 PM, Blogger t said...

It seems from the article that the coach was fed up with his behavior, but because of the name/results was unwilling to call him on it. So the coach asked/lobbied the NGB to do it.

Lots of drama with NGBs lately.


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