
Odd Experience at Home Depot

I have been making very regular trips to Home Depot. Usually at least once a day. In addition to this, we ordered custom energy saving blinds for the family room. After this experience, the rest will be put in by me.

Placed the order the day we closed on the house. The order was to have someone come out and measure for the blinds that week, and then we'd get the blinds about 10 days after that. Well, the first week went by and no person calling to measure. I call HD on Saturday and they say they'll re-fax it. Monday, the new contractor calls and schedules a measurement on Tuesday. I think everything's in place now. Wednesday I get a call from HD. They've *LOST* my order. They have no idea what type of blinds I ordered or what color etc. I play phone tag with the person handling the order at HD for the rest of the week. Finally on Saturday, she tells me she'll be working from noon to 9. I needed to go there anyways, so, I show up at 4:30.

She's on lunch, and "will be back in 30 minutes". I go fill up my cart with the new shelving for the closet & a few other odds and ends. I go back 45 minutes later... she's still on lunch. She gets paged. I sit and wait. 10 minutes later she shows up. And then it takes her 1 hour to get my order done, since the original was "LOST". It only took us 5 minutes to place the order. In the time I was waiting there, 3 other couples came up and had their blinds (which had measurements taken) paid for and on their way. Ugh.

Finally, all of this is done. And then I find out that the contractor hasn't brought the template (required for this job since one window is a half-moon) over. Once the template is received, its about 10 business days until I receive the blinds. Then the contractor has to be scheduled again.

This is insane.

And, last but not least, during this whole time talking one comment by the woman dealing with my order. (background - I'm explaining why contacting my by my home phone is not a good plan since I work) "Oh, you're one of THOSE women" (said rather disapprovingly). WTF?

Maybe by mid-November we'll have our blinds. Until then, we're using blankets on the windows.


At 10/16/2006 1:22 PM, Blogger MAW said...

especially baffling given that she is also clearly a working woman.....

At 10/16/2006 6:48 PM, Blogger t said...

She also was a single mother, and was somewhat older so I think her kids were grown. It might have been the idea that I have a husband so why would I work...


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