
Expanding the defintion of abortion

I'm a bit late on this, but...

Luckily the governor states that he will veto this, and it doesn't have the votes to override the veto. But, the legislature wants to outlaw proscribing contraceptives - or allowing the advertising thereof - on the University of Wisconsin campuses.
JS Online: Pill ban at UW moves ahead

I like how its limited to the UW campuses. Why not the other colleges and universities around the state? Marquette gets a free pass? Maybe it was sponsored by those trying to get more people to go to the private universities in an effort to claim that the public universities are obsolete and can then end funding them.

But really, they are just one step from claiming that the existence of condoms, along with other contraceptives, causes pregnancy and STDs. And therefore making them illegal will stop people from getting pregnant. Or having sex.


Where's the beer... I need to drown my sorrows.


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