

OK Mary Anne....

1. I always have some sort of tune running through my head. I only consider it 'stuck' if I can't change the channel & its annoying me.
2. Ever since my teeth started chipping (due to stress grinding) I can't stop paying attention to them. I'll pick at them or very deliberately run my tongue over the worse ones.
3. I assume people dislike me until proven otherwise. I'm working on changing this, but its tough.
4. I have a tendency of following a very convoluted train of internal thought. I'll be talking to someone about topic X (lets say 'ice cream'). That will, after about 5 jumps, remind me that I need to get my passport renewed.
[ logic train - ice cream is in freezer, freezer in kitchen, kitchen needs to be cleaned, when cleaning I should find that postcard my friend sent me, the postcard was from South America, I'd like to visit South America, I can't visit South America because my passport is expired, I should get my passport renewed ]
5. If I don't finish a book in 2 days, it is likely I will never finish it.

Skipping the tagging thing


At 8/18/2005 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh! Thank you! :)


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